Scuba T
Ferry ride back from Moreton Island
Team X-Treme:
Zoe, Emily, T & Christine
Moreton Island Shipwrecks
Me sandboarding
I finally got a chance to enjoy my holiday break, I mean I had enjoyed it but I was suppose to go a week long road trip with some friends up the North Queensland coast to the Great Barrier Reef but at the last minute those plans didn't work out so instead I just pretty much hung around the Gold Coast. Me, Emily, Zoe and Christine took at day trip to Moreton Island which is right off of Brisbane and you can only access it via boat or ferry and there are not "roads" just an island full of sand of which is 98 % national park. Feel free to google it and read up some more on it. There are shipwrecks in which you can snorkel around and see heaps of fish. Also on the island we got a chance to sand board, which is pretty much like sledding on sand instead of snow. Very fun but boy it was exhausting walking up the steep hills once you get to the bottom but it was sure fun!! It was one of the most beautiful places I have seen here in Australia. I wish we could have done an overnight trip but oh well we made the most of the day as Team X-Treme!!
I am currently living at a friends house for the meantime until I leave for a 2 1/2 week trip to New Zealand, I am going a tour for 18-35 years and they have planned sightseeing, food and hotels all booked so I don't have to worry about it and I can see as much of both the South and North Island in a short time. I am looking forward to getting another stamp on my passport and to exploring what NZ has to offer. Once I get back I will have about 10 days until the big my graduation, I look forward to it but at the same time once it happens it just means my journey in Australia will coming to an end. It will both a happy and sad time for me but I am so happy I got a chance to do it and I will remember this for life.
I am not sure if I will be able to post while on the move but once I get back I will give a brief of my trip along with pics.
Take care and enjoy my blog!!