It's me...
Me, Chuck and Chris @ End
of Semester Bash at Bond Uni
Byron Bay lighthouse
Christine, Chuck and Chris
CAL grads
Me at the Eastern Point of Australia
in Byron Bay
So at the end of the semester my apartment turned into a hotel minus the rooms and the room service. My friend Christine was suppose to move into her beach house in Broadbeach the last weekend of the semester at the same time she had two of her friends from Cali coming to visit. Well those plans fell through as far as the moving to the beach so lucky I still had my place on campus so Christine, Chuck, Chris and myself crashed at my place for a week until she was able to move into her beach house. So for the week in which I was going to clean, pack up and just chilled turned into a fun adventure at my apartment. Finally by the end of the week Christine was able to move all her stuff into her beach house so for two days I was all alone, in a way it was sort of strange, but that didn't last to long as my other friend Emily came back from spending a week in the Northern Territory with one of her friends, then it was out turn to move out of my place and into Christine's beach house until I jet off to NZ for 2 1/2 weeks. I was very glad I got the chance to hang out with Christine's friends Chuck and Chris and give them as well as Christine a place to stay and in return she is doing the same for me. Oh ya we did get the chance to do some fun things as well. Took a day trip down to Byron Bay on a really nice day, Byron Bay is about an hour from the Gold Coast in NSW but its one of my favorite places to hang out on the beach, I was also able to take Chuck and Chris to the end of the semester bash (on campus party at the on campus bar). We had fun enjoyed playing host to Christine's friends.
Up next read about my adventure in watching the whale off the Gold Coast!!
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